January 16 - Time to stop honouring monsters of past
Febuary 20 - Political patronage alive and well in Canada
March 20 - Reforms priced public service out of the job market
April 17 - Chief Charles Labrador: well-respected Elder
May 15 - Mom and Dad: may Great Spirit cherish them
May 29 - Highlands ecosystem plan ignores human rights
June 26 - Point Pleasant: protect people from pet peeves
July 24 - Halifax at 250: genocide nothing to celebrate
August 21 - Has women's rights pendulum swung too far?
September 18 - Just about anyone could crash an Ottawa "party"
October 16 - Chief Stanley Johnson: he made a difference
October 30 - Ah, the precious memories of youth!
November 27 - Chrétien: closet separatist or just out of touch?
December 24 - Christmases past: a trip down memory lane